It was the smiling eyes that did it at last, bright like embers.
But an hour later bright embers were still showering from the bared roof supports onto the main altar below.
The glowglobes came to a halt and shone down like bright embers.
But the day of fresh air had made me drowsy, and I found myself just sitting and gazing at the bright embers.
Kahlan snapped a piece off a dry stick and tossed it into the fire, where it flamed into a bright ember.
I have learned long since to take no part in any disputes-" The bright embers of the cigarette must have been scorching his skin, but Yehuda didn't seem to notice.
The flames moved from one coach to the next, the bright embers falling between the tracks on to the site of the camp below.
The bright ember of that last hope had been extinguished.
The blaze was well behind us when I looked back, a bright ember against the horizon that left a trail of orange fire reflected along the river.
A small bright ember appeared as if in answer to my will.