Certain molecules, when exposed to laser light, emit bright pulses called Raman light.
The pulses are comparable to the brightest single pulses observed from pulsars with flux densities of a few Jansky at 1.4 GHz.
The bassist Banz Oester and the drummer Marcel Papaux played with a bright pulse, even in free-time sections.
He stepped forward, thinking he knew the source of the movement, but then through the daylight shrieked two bright green pulses, the discharge of an energy weapon.
Suddenly, two bright green pulses screamed through the air, obviously shots from an energy weapon.
He yelled at the bright pulse of pain, tears squeezing out of his eyes.
A bright pulse of light - painfully bright.
The silicon photodiode sensors are designed to detect the distinctive bright double pulse of visible light that is emitted from atmospheric nuclear weapons explosions.
"Lew..." Rayna was cut off as the player's face went black, and a hellishly bright pulse flashed behind him.
This gets you a nice, bright, and very short light pulse.