The crystal dome on the hall shattered and rained down in bright shards.
He set his foot onto a bright shard of thick jagged glass, and screamed in sudden pain.
She cried out, arching against his busy mouth when her world shattered into shards bright as glass.
Glass was everywhere, bright shards littering the carpet, the magazine table, the waiting room couch.
Then I did, with the first bright shards of pain.
Those intrusions were shards of battle, uncertain on the jagged edges, bright as blood in the center.
The monitor struck the floor, the screen bursting into bright shards, the voice struck silent.
A small chandelier threw bright shards of light around the room.
They seemed cold and sharp, like bright shards of ice.
After them there came other beings of a less gigantic kind, and without the bright shards or armor worn by the first-comers.