She clicked on the bedside lamp and went into his closet, the light spilling after her in a bright sliver through the cracked door.
By the time the bright sliver of sunrise allowed the gates to be swung open, several merchants' trains had lined up to depart.
It was a small bright sliver of sunlight high aloft.
He looked up at the canopy, the bright slivers of sky beyond the leaves.
The sun was beginning to slant toward afternoon; a bright hot sliver of light dissected by iron bars lay on the floor.
The something in the bottom of the boat sat up, a bright sliver of steel in her hand.
The moon was a bright sliver above and the stars glittered like jewels.
This time fish steaks with still-frozen centres and bright slivers of French beans.
To the bright sliver embedded in the pubic bone.
She looked through the nursery window at the bright sliver of the dying moon.