She opened her eyes to the bright streamers of sunlight that hit the opposite wall through the window blinds and immediately shut them again.
Additionally candles may be clipped to the frame and bright streamers are attached to the top.
Several signs hung on a line festooned with bright orange streamers warning skiers not to ski this run because of dangerous, icy conditions.
The crystalline glow cascaded along her fingers, down onto the body, wrapping bright streamers around the knife.
Gabriel had stopped where a tall metal rod poked up out of the ground, bright yellow streamers and green bands decorating the top.
With a grunt of satisfaction, he took from his belt a sharp stake with a bright streamer of cloth at the unpointed end.
A few lighted windows broke the misty blackness of the massive stone structure, casting bright streamers into the deserted gardens.
Exasperated, I halfheartedly stripped out a few yards of line, shooting a bright green streamer beneath an overhanging branch.
A ring at the top of the chamfron held several bright red streamers.
Sly Moody danced around the tree as if it were a maypole festooned with bright streamers.