Miss Kotoski has an attractive, focused voice with a fairly bright timbre, which she uses to good, expressive effect.
The Panasonic tends toward a brighter timbre while the Denon has somewhat more warmth.
This is done to change to a brighter timbre of the guitar or to transpose the music to a higher-pitched key.
Roundwounds have a brighter timbre with longer sustain than flatwounds.
The voice has a lighter vocal weight than other soprano voices with a brighter timbre.
She has a light and often bright timbre, which in the concert hall can seem closer to the weight of a lyric soprano.
A warm graceful voice with a bright, full timbre that is strong but not heavy and can be heard over an orchestra.
A warm voice with a bright, full timbre, which can be heard over a big orchestra.
The first, with its double chorus and brighter timbres, is panoramic and theatrical.
Its bright and cheerful timbre make it a valuable counterpoint to gut-strung instruments.