Under bright umbrellas, parents and relatives stood in whatever they grabbed when the quake hit: dressing gowns, slippers, straw hats.
Now American companies are aggressively pushing for the same rights, in this case under the bright red umbrella that Travelers uses as its logo.
Lunch was being served beneath the trees, under the bright umbrellas.
The noise from the pool seemed overwhelming in the sudden silence under the bright yellow umbrella.
Above it was a bright new yellow and blue umbrella.
It was a prospect as bright as a sandbox umbrella.
Standing under a bright purple umbrella emblazoned with the logo of Harrah's casino, he claimed credit for making racial profiling a national issue.
Every one of them was shiny, the umbrellas stiff and bright.
The dock and the beach were dotted with bright blue-and white-striped umbrellas.
And the street was dreary and quiet, though a man passed a long way off with a bright, black umbrella.