It has four possible brightness settings, the brightest of which is disabled in all official firmware versions unless on A/C power.
Additionally, hidden brightness settings can be enabled when using Custom Firmware.
To test how long the Convertible could go at full power before its battery was exhausted, the brightness setting was pushed to maximum.
But most L.C.D.'s I tested could be used only at brightness settings well below maximum levels in rooms that are not flooded with light.
The 27" iMac's equivalent brightness setting is somewhere in the middle, meaning that I can go even lower if I'm having a particularly headache-y day.
Some users noted a slight flickering when the screen was on lower brightness settings.
At higher brightness settings, the beam splays out and acts like a dull pencil that can draw only broad lines and very little detail.
Most illuminated reticles provide adjustable brightness settings to adjust the reticle precisely to the ambient light.
The projector uses high-contrast 1280x720 LCD panels and has a dual iris system to adjust the brightness settings .
It has improved battery life over the DSi on all brightness settings; for example, batteries last 13-17 hours at the dimmest setting.