A clamorous sound of thunder was heard, and a brilliant blaze of lightning followed closely behind.
On their arrival home, she reappears as the brilliant white blaze of the northern sky.
Intense light flared forth, flooding the dead woman with a brilliant blaze so radiant that the body couldn't be seen at its center.
Second will be the sign of Christ's coming with a brilliant blaze of light flashing like lightning from the east to the west (see Matt.
Then another brilliant white blaze crossed the sky overhead, trailing comet tails of fire.
The machines whirled up in a brilliant blaze above his head.
The windows gave a last, brilliant blaze of color and slowly faded.
Above: Terracotta pots filled with grape hyacinth bulbs in autumn promise a brilliant blaze of blue come spring.
When the patrol was in range, he loaded, fired, and took three of them out in a brilliant blaze.
The entire central portion of the mountain range instantly vanished in a brilliant blaze of pure whiteness.