They are commonly known as jewel bugs or metallic shield bugs due to their often brilliant coloration.
The holiday darter has very vibrant coloration, but will display even more brilliant coloration during or before spawning.
Coupled with the brilliant coloration, is an excellence in the painted details.
All except Eulaema are characterized by brilliant metallic coloration, primarily green, gold, and blue.
It is 10-14 mm long, slightly larger than a housefly, and has brilliant, metallic, blue-green or golden coloration with black markings.
It has a brilliant metallic green and red coloration, with white spots on the elytra.
Indeed, most Mantellinae are also rather poisonous, with brilliant aposematic coloration, making them a nice example of convergent evolution.
The water immediately began to take on a brilliant red coloration under the influence of the powerful marker-dye.
The common name comes from the often brilliant coloration of the species.
The fish's common name, cardinal tetra, refers to the brilliant red coloration, reminiscent of a cardinal's robes.