Two: Andy Stanton is the equal of many brilliant, improvisational comedians and he drolly sends himself up when talking to children.
Apart from the fact that she's my mother, she's a brilliant comedian and a force as a producer.
Sollett called him a "genius" and a "terrific actor", as well as a "brilliant improvisational comedian".
She is also a brilliant comedian.
Lenny Bruce once described Corey as "one of the most brilliant comedians of all time".
"She's a brilliant comedian," Lucy agrees.
Lenny Bruce once said that Corey is "one of the most brilliant comedians of all time".
He was acclaimed as a brilliant comedian, but she remembered hearing that he had lost a lucrative television contract because the insurance company wouldn't issue a bond.
It was tragic to see arguably the most brilliant comedian of our time destroyed by the society whose freedom he was vainly trying to protect.
"Hitler comes off, to me, as a brilliant comedian."