If this was indeed one of the Iad Uroboros' agents, as Kissoon had claimed, it was a brilliant conceit to present herself in such a vulnerable guise.
The mercurial mixture of rage and disgust - a trembling contempt - is a brilliant conceit on Mr. Roth's part; he treats every social situation as if he's marking his territory.
Ms. Brown's brilliant conceit is that it takes two to jitterbug, and the choreography is built upon pairs of dancers who rarely touch.
What a brilliant conceit.
A brilliant conceit!
It is a brilliant conceit.
Dispatching the utterly conventional Broucek on magical journeys is a brilliant conceit.
The idea of using the sonata itself to illustrate his point is a brilliant conceit.
I think it's a brilliant conceit," Ms. Burton said, "because you can't be too sentimental about her love life.
Floating on top was a brilliant conceit: thin slices of crisp, textured lotus root croutons.