Reclus's writings were characterized by extreme accuracy and brilliant exposition, which gave them permanent literary and scientific value.
Sigmund Freud on the other hand was drawn to Dostoyevsky's brilliant exposition of the mind's ability to trick itself through defenses and denials.
During his first year he inspired the students with his brilliant exposition of Maharishi Patanjali's Yoga-Sutras.
If not, why is the onslaught of beer commercials as vital to the ritual as the commentator-analyst's brilliant expositions of the obvious?
Joseph Politella, to the contrary, regarded the work as a 'brilliant exposition, along historical and sociological lines, of the custom of taboo'.
His Orientalism was and remains a brilliant exposition of the West's perceptions of the "mysterious East".
He was 'imbued with a brilliant exposition of romantic socialism, and led Muslims to a restlessness activism'.
"Shards" is a brilliant exposition of Mr. Cunningham's theories on stagecraft.
Maybe it is a fact that trilogies never work:Future Shock was a brilliant exposition of new thinking;The Third Wave was a superb consolidation of it.
After the rapporteur's brilliant exposition there is little to add as regards the lights and shades of the Molitor report.