I'm not there yet, thanks to efforts by artists like Trent Reznor, whose brilliant marketing has fans paying him directly for music on his web site ( www.nin.com ).
The little pellets first appeared on the West Coast in the early 1980's, the product of brilliant marketing.
TLC claims no affiliation, but understandably isn't making any effort to have the footage taken down, since it serves as brilliant viral marketing for Kat's show.
Oh wait, I know... it's all just Apple's brilliant marketing and hype.
The robustness of judging means the awards recognise real quality so represent a brilliant marketing and sales opportunity while being an obvious communications tool internally as well.
It was brilliant marketing.
It will be a while yet before a brand can match Apple's unique combination of brilliant marketing with exceptional products.
They could have done the most brilliant marketing in advertising history and that still would not have meant another card sale.
Fortunately for Vintage, said Anne Messitte, its publisher, "Dave's artistic ideas also happen to be brilliant marketing."
This is brilliant marketing.