A brilliant and incisive thinker to the end.
The Academy attracted an eclectic mix of brilliant and radical thinkers.
Clinton is a brilliant thinker and it should be no surprise that a person with such an intellect can achieve so much.
He was a brilliant thinker and a prolfic writer.
Harland was regarded as a difficult personality to work for, but a brilliant strategic thinker.
He was a brilliant legal thinker, with a passionate love of the law, and utter devotion to the judicial system.
Though Bartok was a great man and a brilliant thinker, we may find some of his ideas on the subject distasteful today.
Justin was neither a profound nor a brilliant thinker.
But then you've always been a brilliant strategic thinker.
Because if they are brilliant thinkers, their thought is going to be remarkably different from our thought.