Here were the most entirely even, and the most brilliantly white of all conceivable teeth.
The brilliantly white April evening was still warm and sweet.
One star appeared finally, brilliantly white and more than a point.
As the late afternoon light faded, the deep blue sky made the marble appear brilliantly white.
Its bottom, which could be distinctly seen, consisted altogether, of pebbles brilliantly white.
They were brilliantly white, like burning magnesium, and closing in on a parallel course to our C-46.
Soon after the Sun sets, Venus can be seen shining brilliantly white in the south western sky.
A radiance that, if it were visible, would be brilliantly white, golden-hued at its periphery.
The sand at these beaches is known for being fine, soft, and brilliantly white.
The bandage across the muscles was brilliantly white in the moonlight except for the dots of blood on opposite sides.