If clams are very gritty, set them in a bowl with brine solution and keep cool, or refrigerate for 2 to 3 hours.
Green olives are allowed to ferment before being packed in a brine solution.
Next, the bottle neck is dipped into a brine solution to freeze it.
"They will continue to make a salty brine solution after hitting the roadway," he said.
In fermentation, salt or a brine solution can be used, to limit growth of micro-organisms within the food.
During the aging process the cheese is turned once a week and is washed with a brine solution.
These large systems are used to chill a brine solution that is circulated through the building.
Large cans are put in a brine solution with a complete air system that keeps the water moving as the piece starts to freeze.
Once applied, the brine solution prevents ice from forming until the road is plowed.
Both water and a brine solution may be used as coolants in spot welding mechanisms.