The law was intended to bring India in line with the World Trade Organization's agreement on intellectual property rights.
He brought small-town India to his audience in a manner that was both believable and experiential.
The United States feels it is more important to get the treaty singed, then work at bringing India in later.
But the price of bringing Russia, China, India and other countries into this consensus has been going along with their refusal to consider penalties.
This brings India and Pakistan to the brink of war.
In particular we must bring China and India on board to force the change.
American officials expressed hope that some formula could be reached over the next four months that would bring India around.
I am all for finding a creative way to bring India into the world's nuclear family.
If we are going to bring India into the club, it should do so as well.
In essence, its new highway will bring rural India from bullock cart to the automobile age, and spread the prosperity of the big cities.