Wingfield, however, now brought an action at Guisnes against minor officials concerned in the destruction of his property.
Many cases have been brought forward against Israeli officials and those associated with Israel's military, accusing them of war crimes.
The House approved a bill today that would make it far more difficult for stockholders who believe that they were defrauded to bring lawsuits against corporate officials, accountants and stockbrokers.
Mr. Reilly said it was too soon to say whether he would consider bringing charges against archdiocesan officials.
His assignment was part of a settlement of a Federal civil racketeering suit brought against officials of the union in 1990 by the Justice Department.
Because of such evidence, Mr. Walsh still is considering whether to bring charges against other officials.
Also, the authorities confirmed that a grand jury is examining whether criminal charges could be brought against Cardinal Bernard F. Law and other officials of the archdiocese.
Additionally, several corruption charges were brought against officials representing Islamic parties, which had previously been considered clean compared to other political parties.
And the theory with the most support is that white prosecutors conspire to bring groundless charges against black elected officials.
Any suits to be brought against civilian or military officials had to be brought within two years of the arrest or the passage of the Act, whichever was later.