Another collection, Hodge and his Masters (1880), brought together articles first published in the Standard.
That was in 1868, when it brought articles against President Andrew Johnson.
He was brought articles full of reservations, others frankly unfriendly, and some so nasty that they deeply distressed him.
This resulted in a much higher public profile, which brought with it interviews and articles in Time, Newsweek, and Vogue.
A bonding ceremony would gain them access as well as the right to bring religious articles into the area.
When the Hinemoa returned, the scientists on board asked the crew to bring the remaining coracle and various other articles with them to New Zealand.
It brings articles about new and innovative research to the amateur and lay audience.
And, so you know, I do bring certain articles of belief to this.
She brought me books and articles about other people who'd had strikingly similar experiences.
Banjo quietly came in bringing Sumner's guns, sword, articles of clothing, and his engineering books.