A new control tower was constructed for Sea-Tac beginning in 2001, and brought into service November 2004, at a cost of $26 million.
"Technology has brought in a lot of additional changes, but also at a very substantial cost," he said.
The walls and ceiling were brought back to their former glory at a cost of $1.5 million.
The proposal would bring the system to the L line in the first few years of the next century, at a cost of about $160 million.
During this battle, the American forces completely routed the Indians, bringing peace to the area, but at a cost of 188 dead.
Wigwam Stores, Inc. goal was to bring a wide array of products at a lower cost and keep an open family environment.
The question is, 'Can you bring it in at a cost where the economics make sense?'
"No one believes that these men and women have the expertise to bring these things on line at a cost that looks reasonable."
These operatives dealt with 1,800 complaints last year, most of them brought by four especially vigilant sign-watchers, at a cost of nearly $2 million.
Officials brought in the replacement nurses at a cost of about $1 million a week.