After all, the 24-7 victory Sunday night merely brought his Giants to .500 at the halfway point of their 1992 season.
An identical Metrolink train and pair of Union Pacific locomotives were brought together at the point of impact and slowly backed away from each other.
He got him, and he brought him along at the point of his revolver.
The inadequate borders and dividing of armed forces between India and Pakistan further escalated the conflict, bringing both militaries at the point of conflict.
Bester, however, faulted the ending as unresolved, declaring that Budrys "brought his book to a semi-cadence at exactly the point where it cried for completion."
For me to bring it back to them just at the point and place where they think they have finally escaped it just frosts both of them, tremendously.
She brought the Scout to a gentle halt at the point where the road widened into the bridge approach.
He would run the race of his life for an hour or two, overtake them, and bring them back at the point of his revolver.
With practiced precision, they brought their powerful ponies into a wedge formation, Duke Kalas at the point.
Henry Bennet, 1st Earl of Arlington was brought in to run it in 1682, at the point when Shaftesbury went into self-imposed exile.