In a world where there was harmony, she brought discord.
She soon concocts a scheme to bring discord in the Sinha family, and also ensure Ashok's ruin.
Discord at home is the bane of policy abroad; bringing in the Congress brings discord.
These magics are not neighbouring magics, and the strains of supporting their differences may bring discord to his mind.
Man had not yet come to bring discord to this living idyl.
The bottle brings discord to the tribe, and Xi is sent out into the unknown world beyond the Kalahari and return the bottle to the Gods.
And what is it that brings discord into the jungle as well as into every elsewhere that it enters?
Little do they know that their guest is indeed a spy and a scout, on a mission to bring discord into the village so her tribe can move in.
Forced busing initially brought great discord and resulted in fights and arrests.
Jocasta Cameron has been a good friend to me and mine; it would ill repay her kindness for me to bring discord to her wedding celebrations.