"We only need to determine that Larsen misbehaved in office, and that is defined in the Constitution as bringing disrepute upon the office."
The now-suspended Lord President, asked the King in a letter to put an end to remarks that bring disrepute to the judiciary.
"This mixture of bellicosity and crude posturing continues to bring justified suspicion and disrepute down on Miami."
The investigation ended in 1990 when his colleagues voted, 96 to 0, to denounce him for bringing "dishonor and disrepute" on the Senate.
Keep yourself vigilant against the lies of people wishing to bring disrepute to the Minister, and we will see.
Sunaina convinces her lawyer against doing anything which brings disrepute to Chandan's family members.
The love factor brings disrepute to Yama.
The members of the class said Mr. Coffin had brought "infamy, disrepute and near destruction" to the church.
This episode brought disrepute to the Beiyang government and its assembly, which lacked a quorum to even hold elections.
"Yes, but good God, old boy, the only way he can continue to be successful without being killed is to bring further disrepute on the family!"