The lawyer's work brought journalists, and the journalists' reports brought filmmakers in their wake.
Indian forces have been bringing journalists to secure areas of Jaffna since Friday.
The program brought young journalists in and out of the paper for one-year stints, seldom resulting in a full-time job.
- Bringing analysts, journalists and politicians from the region to Britain, to share their insights with their British counterparts.
In so doing, he brought journalists back to the basics: to see, to listen, to remain, to reflect, to report.
A program for visiting scholars brings teachers, students, scientists, doctors, lawyers, journalists and others from around the world to work on independent research projects at the center.
Meanwhile every day brings newer and more innovative journalists into the field, and with them new skills and techniques.
The event was followed with great interest internationally and for its duration brought journalists from around the country and Britain to the overcrowded courthouse.
Doctors brought journalists to her room, but took pains to steer the conversation away from the topic of Hezbollah and the military details of the war.
Also, bringing journalists to Denmark to get acquainted with the Danish energy case.