He has always run a command-and-control outfit, using a small group of trusted advisers to help him make decisions and then mercilessly bring other ministers and MPs into line.
But the Administration can take credit for its intense lobbying campaign, which included bringing European foreign ministers to Capitol Hill.
It is bringing 41 chief executives and 3 leading economics ministers, and plastering ads on the sides of buses in Davos that play up its democratic status.
Union leaders of the 70s were mighty figures, often better known to the public than many of the cabinet and with the industrial muscle to bring mere prime ministers to their knees.
The meeting may bring together foreign ministers of Arab states, Europe, Russia, as well as Israel and the United States, to discuss ideas.
He did win his suit, but continued to be criticized for such things as bringing ministers of other denominations to preach at Middlefield's Congregational Church.
Are NRM party members not in partnership with the opposition to bring ministers involved in the oil scandal to book?And on and on.
Its biennial conference brings together ministers of public service, top officials and leading scholars in the field.
The revolution caused by the discovery of gold in 1851, brought more ministers and a vastly increased population.
She helped bring cross-denominational ministers from around Danville to form a human relations counsel.