The Shadow, alone, could press the scales to bring the balance on the side of justice.
It is brought to a focus eighty-two billion kilometers away, on the far side of the Sun.
He's been brought to battle on the far side of his bridge.
New housing was built and separate group villages were brought together into one on the coastal side.
But it wasn't danger to himself that brought him from the big car, on the side toward the garage.
He brought land on the other side of the road into his park and built them a new, though longer road around it.
He brought the car to a stop on the opposite side of the street, and waited a moment.
You know," he added over his shoulder, "we've got something here that might bring a few dollars on the side.
Kellie usually brought them in among the orchards and open ground on the north side of the city.
It brings a lot of strength on the military side.