We didn't know, when a salesman persuaded us to bring our office into the computer age, that it would be this complicated.
The 14-year lease, which brings the commissioner's office and four other offices to the building between 46th and 47th Streets, began April 1.
Congressman David Rivera is bringing his office closer to the community.
He further said the Mayor had brought his "office into disrepute" and "has revealed himself to be a person without principles, honesty or integrity."
In addition, he has also succeeded in bringing his office into line with federal voting guidelines as well as creating an online campaign reporting system.
The Hegemon had brought his private office with him from Inarime, furniture, books, and all.
In a televised address to the nation on 29 May 2009, he said he had not brought his office into disrepute and so saw no reason to resign.
Bill understands that not every constituent can seek assistance from his office during the normal weekday hours, so he is bringing our office to you.
Telecommuting brings your office to your home without workplace distractions and interruptions.
' To bring George's office under tighter control.'