It brings out issues of who's really in control and what they expect from each other.
She added: "It's a safe environment where he can bring out issues in a fun way.
Many underwriters are rushing to bring out new issues - many of which are tech stocks - before the end of the year.
"It's a positive thing because he will bring out issues that others will tiptoe around."
He believes the meeting was a constructive and valuable exercise and proved useful in bringing out prominent issues.
"He is kind of ahead of the curve in terms of bringing out issues."
All the segments were well produced, making smart use of pictures to bring out issues and emotions.
The newspaper did manage to keep going, but staffs were not able to bring out issues on a regular basis.
Some directors have even used it to bring out contemporary issues like the role of diplomacy of the present world.
"That brings out issues of loyalty because the child feels caught in the middle."