What we are doing is bringing principles back to Cambodia.
The town council is acutely aware of the need to bring principles of sustainability into the town's economic development.
Rather, it's a brief for bringing well-established principles of efficient taxation to bear on school finance.
It is a revolutionary social movement to bring basic physiotherapeutic principles and prevention awareness to the masses.
The prominence of his position in the Cape helped to bring liberal principles into the mainstream in the conservative colony.
An emerging community of practice focused on bringing principles of design and architecture to the digital landscape.
Bringing ecological principles to bear in agroecosystems can suggest novel management approaches that would not otherwise be considered.
The attorney general said in an interview yesterday that the settlement "captures our best effort to bring principles of integrity to this industry."
Todd and colleagues have designed miniature ecosystems, largely self-perpetuating, which bring ecological principles into service of human requirements.
Supposedly, the purpose of the Nommo's visit was to bring spiritual principles to the human race.