The construction of the Seetalbahn train line in 1883 brought economic recovery and new industries (tobacco, box factories).
This influx of immigrants helped to bring economic recovery and cultural distinction to these regions.
The city's economic comeback in the 1980s brought recovery and gentrification.
Light exercise is usually enough to bring recovery.
It seemed logical that such preparations would bring quicker recovery.
Its goal is to effect enough change in the alcoholic's thinking "to bring about recovery from alcoholism" through a spiritual awakening.
There is no unilateral concession that will bring economic recovery or ethnic peace at home.
Instead we have a mixture of measures that will not be enough to bring about recovery.
The response to these challenges is the 2020 strategy, an instrument created to bring recovery and strength to Europe.
As businessmen proved unable to bring about industrial recovery, Hoover's administration reluctantly entered the arena.