My son Uriel himself will lead a squadron of levitants to bring refreshment.
His fleshy lips parted and he snarled, "Have you been sent to bring us refreshment?
Thence his fountains bring refreshment to the folk of Valinor.
Improvements will bring refreshment of the 21st century to modernise the school and to introduce a possible increase enrollment of pupils.
No person may bring their own food, drink (including alcoholic beverages) or other refreshment into the club's premises.
May your visit here bring rest, and peace, and refreshment.
The sea was lukewarm when he swam, bringing little refreshment.
Eventually a silent attendant brought them refreshment on a tray, tea and cakes in portions of hardly more than symbolic size.
It brings refreshment to a person's body.
He indicated settees and signaled his servants to bring refreshment.