A Category 3 would bring about 10-20 inches of snow and affect millions of people in the process.
The following months brought little more than a few inches of rain, and after two years these farmlands were totally devastated.
Winter is cold and breezy often bringing 1-4 inches of snow.
Bring 2 inches of water to a boil in a 9-inch saucepan.
Next, your surgeon will bring 1-2 inches of healthy bowel up through the abdominal wall to skin level.
Bring 3 inches of water to a boil in saucepan.
In 1912, a Christmas Eve storm brought 11.4 inches to the city.
As she met his lips with hers, she brought them six inches off the floor.
The motion brought his fingertips just a few inches from his gun.
The downpours on Monday night brought more than three inches to some areas.