Amnesty International called on the Government to concentrate on bringing terrorist suspects to trial.
The organization's leaders will seek the full cooperation of member forces and the Federal Bureau of Investigation to bring suspects in the case to justice.
The international tribunal investigating war crimes in the former Yugoslavia is facing fundamental problems that could undermine its ability to bring suspects to justice, lawyers and human rights officials assert.
"We have found that if we bring suspects to Arusha, it becomes almost impossible for them to cooperate with us," Mr. Rapp said.
We are bringing suspects in now.
The Maryland summit will not succeed unless the Palestinians demonstrate that they are fully committed to preventing terror attacks and cooperating with Israel to bring suspects to justice.
In November 2004, British defence officials conceded that military action was unlikely to be successful in bringing Mladić and other suspects to trial.
But on the other, it has probably wrecked any chances of making arrests and bringing suspects to trial.
They argue that if the same rigour was applied to drafting proper legislation the problem of bringing suspects to trial could be eliminated.
While there are few explicit rules, officers are supposed to identify themselves as the police and try to bring suspects under control with minimal force.