The late Ned Irish, who brought basketball to Madison Square Garden, had been a sportswriter.
Beyond that, Thomas said Marbury had more than answered the challenge of playing in his hometown and bringing excitement back to Madison Square Garden.
But Camby didn't bring a suit to Madison Square Garden, and didn't plan on sitting out after missing 17 games.
He and a fellow named Bob Hope, working together for the first time, brought their act to Madison Square Garden on Sunday night.
Thomas spoke of the excitement Robinson would bring to Madison Square Garden and of "little kids wanting to imitate him."
That is the essence of the farewell show she brought to Madison Square Garden for two sold-out performances last night and this evening.
So why is he bringing a camera to Madison Square Garden tonight?
Bring another Georgetown 7-footer to Madison Square Garden, and all is well again?
But his insecurities and pettiness also brought a small-time quality to Madison Square Garden.
In 1977 she brought the first woman's tennis tournament to Madison Square Garden.