In 2002, a major expansion was completed, bringing the school to its present condition, and much of the existing building had been remodeled as well.
It took me quite a long time to bring her back to her present condition.
Is there anything I can do to bring this marble back to its original condition?
Brought back to their original condition, they look magnificent.
In the 1980s, the town of Willsboro undertook a $70,000 restoration project that brought the cabin to its current condition.
He turned away abruptly, realizing that possibly one of them had brought the duke to his present condition.
I have been the sole means of bringing him to his present condition.
Mr. Cummings estimated that he had spent $45,000 to bring the house back to its present condition.
Nothing could bring more certainty to our nation's fiscal condition than a balanced budget.
A $1.3 million rehabilitation was completed in 2009 to bring the home to its historic condition.