Around the nation, reporters and editors say they are struggling with how to bring the health-care debate home to readers.
A few other publishers are trying to bring more Japanese books to English-speaking readers.
It sought to expand the ways in which it can bring pleasure to readers.
They brought a proto- cinematic flash to readers used to the gluey, soulful character studies of, say, Stendhal.
Russell's dispatches via telegraph from the Crimea remain as his legacy, for the first time he brought the realities of war home to readers.
The Robinson Press serves to remind writers that writing is a communal activity that requires practical skills and hard work to bring it to readers.
It is to bring home to readers how the world of business and finance affects their lives.
The magazine's intention was to bring contemporary Persian literature to western readers.
To find and leverage great ideas and great authors, bringing them to readers who need them.
In addition, Thompson has made it his business to bring the work of European cartoonists to American readers.