Kowloon was also the last stop on the trans-Siberian rail link that brought travellers from Europe.
The Vienna Coffeehouse Conversations bring travellers together with locals over a Viennese meal and coffee, and a menu of unusual questions, at traditional Vienna coffeehouses.
GLOBOsapiens is one of many successful portals on the internet that have brought travellers close together from the entire world.
Puerto Rico's two best-known eco-parks are only separated by a slender mountain range and a stretch of highway - yet the trip of a few miles from one to the other brings travellers to a whole new world.
Morning must bring travellers, and my groaning might lead them to my aid.
The airport will be mostly used by European airlines bringing travellers to Tunisian holiday resorts.
Trapped long ago in a frozen glacier, The King of the Cursed Iced Vikings is determined to bring travellers to an icy doom.
Postrodden is a yearly festival in memory of the duty imposed for centuries on the inhabitants of the Holmöarna and Björkö islands to bring mail and travellers across Kvarken.
Every day brought footsore travellers from all over the country, lured by the promises of scouts in distant provinces.
An hour's train journey north east of Milan brings travellers to Franciacorta, an area in the heart of Lombardy's wine-growing region - and the gateway to Lake Iseo.