Unskilled workers filled the factories, pushing skilled workers away and bringing longer hours and smaller wages to all.
The fight throughout the 1960's for a rigid pay schedule brought better wages for women and minorities.
Accordingly, father, sons and one daughter all brought wages home, and on top of that they had seven and sixpence a week from their lodger.
This industrial down turn also brought poor wages to the already impoverished people.
What is known is that most working Americans have been stuck for years in an economy that has brought higher prices and stagnating wages.
The main point of the strike was to protest for better wages to bring wages more in line with other European carriers.
Meanwhile, the coastal labor shortage is likely to bring better wages and working conditions for the migrant workers who remain in these regions.
The collapse of East German output would presumably bring wages down.
He was a tireless fighter in the struggle to bring decent wages, benefits and working conditions to supermarket workers throughout New York.