Productivity grew in the first quarter at a brisk annual rate of 3.2 percent, the bureau reported Thursday.
But over all, cars and trucks were whisked out of dealerships at the brisk, seasonally adjusted annual rate of 15.8 million vehicles in March.
The Benwood began taking on water at a brisk rate.
Also, the settlements are being reached at a brisker rate than had been expected.
The report said a host of businesses that provide services as well as government agencies were hiring at a brisk rate, adding more than 42,000 positions.
The two yelk trotted at a brisk rate, necks held horizontally.
She strode for home at a brisk rate.
Takeovers will probably continue at a brisk rate.
I headed for it at a brisk rate of knots-moving backwards, of course.
Revenue at Running Press has grown at the relatively brisk rate of more than 10 percent a year for the last five years.