The bristly white eyebrows rose slightly.
He raised one bristly white eyebrow.
As for Mr. Beaumont, who has the bristly eyebrows and soaring speech of a diplomat, he found Mr. Townsend "étincelant," sparkling "like a star in the sky."
The face had thick lips on it and small eyes buried under bristly eyebrows.
At the age of 75, Mr. Wright has the wavy white hair, deepset eyes and bristly eyebrows to lend his pronouncements oracular weight.
He seemed to wear a perpetual smile on his craggy face, overhung with two bristly eyebrows.
Pa, as the dignified dog is known around the house of his ecstatic handler, Doug Holloway, accepted his accolade with barely a blink of his bristly gray eyebrows.
Major Phillpot's rather bristly eyebrows rose.
Grayson was a long stooped yellow-faced man with high shoulders, bristly eyebrows and almost no chin.
Was he to believe McGovern would never hoist that satiric, bristly eyebrow of his again?