Even the broadest contours of the story, as publicly glimpsed in grand jury appearances and press accounts, keep shifting.
Such considerations, though, may well pale beside the broader contours of Mr. Blair's second term.
A wide band around the turnip's broadest contour turned orange to indicate the area designated for living space.
With the exception of the extreme east and west, the fell has broad and gentle contours clad primarily in grass.
She didn't so much sit in her comfortable chair as collapse into it, sagging within the seat's broad contours.
While Mr. Fernandez confirmed the plan's broad contours, he declined to give specifics.
Science in this sense came to stand as a meta-discourse, framed by the broader contours of the conjuncture.
But compared with the broad contours of Mr. Clinton's proposals, these were details, though important ones, they said.
Dimly he saw, not the details, but the broad contours of belief, a wide new country to explore some day.
They mark the broad contours of a life.