Polish philosophy drew upon the broader currents of European philosophy, and in turn contributed to their growth.
By focusing on the minutiae of legislation, Ms. Drew has little to say about the broader currents of the nation's politics.
Until the 1980's the broad currents of the main river, the Dasay, claimed drowning victims.
Some think they play a crucial role, while others say they have little impact on the broad currents of thought and social change.
In Berne's story, these broad social currents are compressed into a single vivid and apparently inevitable arc.
Yet broad currents are evident.
There were three broad currents of opinion from which von Guericke dissented.
At the macro-level, the analyst is concerned with intertextual understanding, trying to understand the broad, societal currents that are affecting the text being studied.
These women have also been influenced by broader cultural currents.
Landed and then released to spawn, or fight another day, the fish planed down out of sight in the broad current of the Delaware River.