OCSP stapling has not seen broad deployment to date, however this is changing.
It plans to start taking remote orders in September at five Carl's Jr.'s restaurants in California, with a broader deployment after that.
Requires a national plan for broad deployment of electric vehicles and authorizes $2 billion to selected communities across the country to install infrastructure and incentives to deploy 400,000 electric vehicles.
But the time may be ripe for a broader deployment.
He said that 65 percent of American households with Internet access still do not have broadband connections, and that hopes for broader deployment of high-speed fiber optic lines were fading.
The president emphasized that a primary condition for a broader deployment of American troops - the departure of President Charles G. Taylor - had not been met.
- AIAG embarked on AutoSTEP, a federally funded pilot to lay the groundwork for broad deployment of the STEP standard.
This broad deployment of resources, which permits the cooperative talents and skills of our people to be focused on solving customer problems worldwide, is a prime element of our global competitive strategy.
Satellite navigation continues to be crucial for long-range weapons like cruise missiles, and G.P.S. is essential in the sort of unmanned aircraft that saw their first broad deployment in Afghanistan.
Organizations that had automated individual departments now began to envision wider benefits from broader deployment.