Blanco said that while traditional interest groups in the Republican Party might be offended, the broader electorate would get the message.
But his conversational oratory also contained a strategic appeal to the broader electorate.
At the same time, he also must be viewed by the broader electorate as a leader who can steer Congress out of gridlock.
Hasty turns to the left or right can backfire when the nominees play to a broader electorate in November.
A primary is a traditional election, where a broad electorate of voters cast secret ballots at polls open all day.
But if he is to retain the broader electorate's respect and trust, he will have to do better than that.
Mr. Bush's comments on homosexuals offer a prime example of how he is trying to be acceptable to the broad Republican electorate.
Now that the candidates have been introduced to the public and bloodied a bit it is time for a far broader electorate to have its say.
Still, Mr. Jackson carries some high negatives in the broader electorate.
Just what impact they will have on the broader electorate remains an open question.