Given this broad language, anyone who organizes or rents space for an event where drug use takes place could face criminal charges.
Should they focus solely on the World Trade Center, or use broader language?
The broad language suggests that there is a comprehensive grant of residual legislative authority to the federal government.
The broad language of the law has also allowed for subjective interpretation by adult businesses determined to survive.
However, Section 504, with its broad language, is subject to misuse.
The broad language in these opinions has suggested the possibility of additional expansion, but we decline here to proceed any further.
Building on language skills each student already possesses, reading and writing are seen as a part of a broader "whole language" spectrum.
The law has been rewritten with broader language, but the board contends that the effect is the same.
He argued for broader language that would hold practices legitimate so long as they had a "manifest relationship to the employment in question."
"Nevertheless, its broad language would fundamentally and adversely affect our ability to work with Government agencies at all levels."