A new licensing agreement grants the Ministry of Finance broad oversight and an authority will be established to supervise all legal gambling in Israel.
The STB has broad economic regulatory oversight of railroads, including rates, service, the construction, acquisition and abandonment of rail lines, carrier mergers and interchange of traffic among carriers.
Eventually, a consensus developed among the commissioners that the charter would say only that the Council should exercise broad oversight over contracting.
For months, Mr. Kerry has advocated broader international oversight of Iraq's prospective interim government, a formula that might open the door to additional peacekeeping contributions and generate some real support for nation-building there.
The commission also called for broad new oversight from the state, ensuring that struggling districts draft and adhere to their own improvement plans.
Since his appointment in 2001, Mr. Kalikow has largely limited his involvement to broad oversight of the authority's finances.
Mr. Aldana was a cautious reformer who had broad oversight of party ideology, foreign affairs, culture and the press.
Instead, it provides broad oversight and advice to the standing House committees and subcommittees.
Recognizing the need for broader oversight of California's gambling industry, the Legislature enacted the "Gambling Control Act" (Chapter 867, statutes of 1997).
"The State will retain broad oversight through the budget process," she said.