The report includes nine broad recommendations, some to be acted upon immediately, others over the next several months.
Some administration officials said the report might sidestep the environmental controversy and instead include a broad recommendation to overhaul how plants are treated.
A report to the governor with broad recommendations is due by Dec. 31.
The Commission's broad recommendations also included workforce development of nursing, pharmacy, and allied health professions.
The issue is being reviewed by an interagency panel that is expected to make broad recommendations on Iraq policy later this year.
Two days later the board's long-range planning committee approved a substitute resolution to endorse the broad recommendations of the task force without going into specifics.
A broad recommendation of calcium/vitamin D supplements is therefore not warranted.
We need to be able to issue broader and more stringent recommendations to the Member States to take corrective measures.
But a broader recommendation would take effect if laboratory workers identified the virus or doctors diagnosed a single case somewhere in the world, he added.
Now that the story is told, the report says, somebody has to pay, and it offers broad recommendations for reparation by government and businesses.