There are broad similarities, since both place significant weight on risk-adjusted performance.
These seminar groups lead to the establishment of 'invisible colleges', based on the broad similarity of approach which can develop in a single large department.
But many e-mail programs have broad similarities.
But research suggests that there are some broad similarities among grievers.
Certainly there are broad similarities and a degree of categorisation is possible but with detailed analysis there are always differences.
All types within this ware share a number of broad categorical similarities although over a roughly 250 year time span significant variation is seen.
There is a broad similarity between birds and fishes in the organs of locomotion.
The term Stone-curlew owes its origin to the broad similarities with true curlews (which are not closely related).
Though there are many broad similarities between the styles within the school, these styles display key differences that separate them.
It can generally cope with the difference in the writing styles in Washington's papers because they contain broad similarities.