Political analysts said that the Republican contenders, lacking Governor Whitman's broad-based appeal, would have to spend heavily to establish themselves with voters.
While analysts said the product offered a broad-based appeal and the opportunity for Lotus to create a potentially vast new market, they still noted some concerns.
No other political party in Bangladesh's early years was able to duplicate or challenge its broad-based appeal, membership, or organizational strength.
"We're trying to be a special store with competitive prices and a broad-based appeal - not a specialty store," said John Campbell, the store's general manager.
It positioned Frosted Mini-Wheats as a product with broad-based appeal.
"What attracted us to country music is that it has such broad-based appeal," Mr. Carlin said.
First, the attention generated by his races offers track and field an opportunity to trumpet its broad-based appeal.
Bradley's latest proposal holds no such broad-based appeal.
Their objective is to recommend a stamp program that will have broad-based appeal, regionally and culturally, reflecting Canadian history, heritage, and tradition.
"I am loath to use the phrase 'art film' about these movies because that means they don't have broad-based appeal," Ms. Vitale said.